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Be Prepared for Dead Car Battery

Fall is here and soon the temperatures will be getting colder. Since low temperatures lead to sluggish batteries, your chances of experiencing a dead car battery will be increased.  As the colder months approach, you will not only want to be equipped with a quality set of jumper cables in your car, you will also … Continued

Help Your Car Keep Its Cool

It’s starting to get nice and warm and summer is around the corner. If you’re often in your vehicle using it as a daily commuter, that means your car is taking a beating almost every single day.  And with the temperatures rising, it may cause you to worry even more about the vehicle overheating. That … Continued

What Is Leaking From My Vehicle?

This most likely has happened to all of us… You hop in your vehicle, pull out of the parking space & when you stare ahead, you see a puddle where your car or truck was parked. This is never a good feeling! But what could it be? Fortunately, some automotive fluids are dyed different colors … Continued

My Car Heater Blows Cold Air! Now What!?

In simple terms,  your car heater is tied to your vehicle’s coolant. Seems rather strange right? In a way, it may seem actually counterproductive, but don’t worry, we’ll explain it all here. Read more to see how your heater works & what it all means when your vehicle’s heater blows out cold air. If you’re … Continued

2018 Car Care Goals

Let’s face it, we tend to take our ride for granted. For the most part it is always there, ready to take us wherever and whenever we need to go. We only think about taking care of it when there is an obvious problem, like a flat tire or a dead battery. The problem with … Continued

Three Automotive Services You Should Leave to the Pros

There is nothing we love to hear about more than someone who is enthusiastic about taking care of their car. We are a big proponent of drivers investing time in learning about their vehicles so they can do their own service and repair work. Having said that, we will add the following caveat, some automotive services … Continued

Don’t Try These at Home: Auto Repairs

Car maintenance items you should always leave to the professionals. We appreciate our car buffs who entrust us with their vehicles! While some vehicle repairs can certainly be performed in your home’s garage, there are some that are best left to the professionals. Our shop allows us to perform the more expensive & complex repairs … Continued

Brake Trouble Ahead – Five Indicators

Brake system failure is one of the most dangerous situations a driver can experience on the road. The brake system on your vehicle is highly complex, involving an extensive number of integrated components, all of which are subject to wear and eventual failure. Brake failure can have serious and deadly consequences, so it is important … Continued

Dead Car Battery

Do You Know What to Do When You Have a Dead Car Battery? It can happen at any time. You climb inside your car, turn the key or press the start button and nothing happens.  Soon the temperatures will be getting colder so your odds of experiencing a dead car battery will be increasing since … Continued

Cooling System Flush

The best way to understand the importance of a cooling system flush is to start by looking at the role of coolant. The main job of coolant, or antifreeze, is to transfer excess heat from the vehicle engine to the radiator. The coolant absorbs the heat and redirects it to the radiator where it is … Continued

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