
Currently browsing General Vehicle Maintenance

What Does The Cooling System Do For Your Car?

Your car’s cooling system manages the important job of transferring excess heat from the vehicle engine to the radiator. Coolant added to the cooling system absorbs the heat and redirects it to the radiator where it is dispersed into the air. It may also be directed through the heat exchanger to heat the passenger area … Continued

Air Conditioning Problems in Vehicles

Air conditioning problems in vehicles can be frustrating, especially during the hot summers in Cincinnati. Here are some common issues that can arise with vehicle air conditioning systems: Lack of cooling: If the air conditioning system is blowing warm air or not cooling the interior of the vehicle, it could be due to low refrigerant … Continued

Why You Shouldn’t Drive with a Headlight Out

Winter months mean shorter days, so more time driving in the dark. Having one headlight out might not seem like that big of a deal, but it can make it a lot more dangerous for you as the driver and for others sharing the road. If you’re planning to drive miles without a replacement headlight, … Continued

What Is the Difference Between Auto Repair & Car Maintenance?

People can often mistake auto repair and car maintenance for the same thing. However, there is a notable distinction between the two. Auto repair is often your mechanic’s response to an issue that your vehicle is experiencing, whether it’s a flat tire, dead battery, worn struts, etc. And car maintenance is preventative vehicle services that … Continued

3 Car Parts that We’re Endlessly Thankful for

In the spirit of gratitude this season, it has us reflecting on all the wonderful parts that make our modern-day vehicles such an asset to society. Without these three key parts, vehicles would look and function a lot differently than they do today… and likely for the worst! Here are three features in vehicles that … Continued

October is Fall Car Care Month

Fall Car Care Month is the perfect time to make sure that your car is ready for winter and current on all maintenance and repair needs. Basic auto service and repairs can go a long way in improving the safety and dependability of your car. Does Your Car Know Something You Don’t? In celebration of … Continued

Can Falling Leaves Damage Your Car?

As beautiful as the fall season is, its falling leaves can find themselves doing some damage to your vehicle. Not only do leaves make the roads more dangerous, but they can also damage your paint and get into places in your car they shouldn’t be. It’s a good rule of thumb to try to get … Continued

Your Summer Car Care Checklist

You depend on your car to perform safely  and efficiently in a wide range of conditions. Are you giving it the care it needs to assure that performance? The extra seasonal needs of a vehicle are obvious in the winter time, with its snow, ice and freezing temperatures.  But summer’s punishing effects might not be … Continued

Five Signs You Might Have Fuel Injection System Problems

The purpose of your vehicle’s fuel injection is to assure that the engine runs smoothly and efficiently by feeding it the right mixture of fuel and air. Before fuel injection systems, autos had to rely on a carburetor to supply fuel to the engine. Today, most newer vehicles are equipped with fuel injection systems. Fuel … Continued

5 Questions & Answers About Electric Vehicles

As gas prices continue to skyrocket, more people are considering the purchase of an electric vehicle. On the outside, electric vehicles do not look a whole lot different than their combustion engine counterparts. There are, however, significant differences on the inside, which are designed to make them more economical and fuel efficient. The most obvious … Continued

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