7 Essential Tire Care Tips Every Driver Should Know

Tires may seem like a small part of your vehicle, but they play a crucial role in your safety and overall driving experience. They cost less than a penny per mile to maintain, especially compared to the price of gas, which averages about 15 cents per mile. But taking good care of your tires can save you money in the long run and keep you safer on the road. Here are seven essential tire care tips every driver should know:

1. Stay Alert to Signs of Trouble

Most car issues, including tire problems, don’t appear out of nowhere. They usually come with warning signs like unusual noises or smells. Regularly check your tire pressure and be mindful of any changes in how your car drives. Be cautious about hitting potholes, speed bumps, or curbs, as these can have a significant impact on your tires over time.

2. Prioritize Prevention

Preventing tire problems is far less expensive than fixing them. Adopt a proactive mindset rather than waiting for issues to arise. Stay vigilant about potential hazards like nails, potholes, and curbs, especially in unfamiliar areas. By avoiding these hazards and being mindful of your driving habits, you can extend the lifespan of your tires.

3. Learn to Check Tire Pressure

Under-inflated tires are a major safety risk, significantly increasing the likelihood of an accident. This risk is heightened during the summer months when heat can exacerbate the problem. If you’re unsure how to check your tire pressure, there are plenty of resources available, like Edmunds, to guide you through the process.

4. Rotate Your Tires Regularly

To ensure even wear and extend the life of your tires, have them rotated at every other oil change. For those using synthetic oil with longer change intervals, adjust accordingly. Your vehicle’s owner’s manual will provide specific recommendations. Regular rotations help balance the stress on each tire, promoting even wear and preventing premature replacement.

5. Get an Annual Wheel Alignment

While tire rotations help with tread wear, wheel alignments ensure your car drives straight and true. To check for alignment issues, drive on a straight stretch of road and momentarily take your hands off the steering wheel. If your car drifts to one side, your alignment may be off. Have your alignment checked at least once a year or whenever you get new tires.

6. Inspect Tire Wear Regularly

Check your tire tread monthly and before any long trips. A simple way to check tread depth is the penny test: insert a penny into the tire’s grooves with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it’s time for new tires. However, new tires come with tread wear indicators, which provide a more precise measure of when they need replacing.

7. Replace Worn Tires Promptly

It might be tempting to delay buying new tires, but postponing can lead to more serious and expensive issues. There’s no ideal time for unexpected expenses, but keeping your tires in good condition is crucial for your safety. Budget for regular maintenance and repairs, and consider setting up an emergency fund to cover these inevitable costs.

By following these tire care tips, you can ensure a safer driving experience and extend the life of your tires. If you need help with tire maintenance or have concerns about your vehicle, visit our shop! We’re here to help you keep your car in top shape and on the road safely.

Drive safely and take care of those tires!

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